It's Tough Being A Dad


"What's going on in there? What are you kids up to now?"

"Settle down right now - don't make me come in there!"









 (Man, I just wanted to kick back and watch a ball game.)

"Hey! Knock...It...Off...Now!!" Not another peep out of any of you!"

(Bird could use four or five fat meal worms right now - kids!)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Nancy - it's great to be able to take a minute to get outside with the birds, as the pollen count allows. They are very entertaining!

  2. So today I saw two birds fighting over a thin tree branch. It was a regular tug of war. But of course I didn't have my camera with me. One of them lost and the other flew away with the branch only to lose it midflight..... I'd say that was tough as well. Wonder if it was the same bird as yours 😉

  3. Replies
    1. Having taught teenagers, I became something of a stand-up comedian and story teller.

  4. What was really entertaining was the poor robin trying to score with a lady - got pictures of his not-so-winning move and will post later.

  5. Love the second capture looks like she is spying on the kids

    1. That's a he - males are a darker color, females are grayish; both tend to the young.


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