El Galeon

El Galeon , or Galeon Andalucia, is a replica of a 17th century Spanish galleon and was launched in Spain in 2009. Original galleons were armed merchant vessels deigned to establish trade routes between Spain, the Americas and Philippines. This one is a floating museum and is currently in my local harbour so I grabbed a few cell phone snaps in my lunch break today.

Also in the harbour is the brigantine Morgenster, a former herring lugger launched in 1919 but converted in the early 1980s as a sail training and sea experience vessel.


  1. Those ships are amazing, I love checking them out thanks for sharing and the history

  2. Love these cathedrals of the sea. So much craftmenship in them

    1. Old stuff, even new old stuff, has much more character doesn't it.

  3. Love the photos and like Peter's title for them....."cathedrals of the sea" very appropriate. And I agree with you Peter...old stuff has soooo much more character than what we see now a days and so much more eye appealing.


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