Exploring Cramond

I’m a little late to the party with my first post here on Blogger, but better late than never!

I’m gradually catching up with my photos from our recent holiday in Scotland, where we stayed in the village of Cramond. These are a few of my favourite images taken as we explored the village and the uninhabited island just off the coast, but you’ll find the complete collection here.


  1. Wonderful to see you, and you beautiful photos, here Helen. And thanks for the link to your website - a quick peek tells me that I will enjoy looking at it at my leisure.☺️

  2. Some really great images in your blog, thanks for sharing. That's a bit of Scotland I wasn't familiar with.

  3. Well, if you're going to be late to the party, you better bring something nice -- which you did. These are wonderful shots!

  4. It is so nice to see you here Helen! I've been following your blog for a while and your photos, glad you decided to share them here as well. Some really beautiful captures and the black and white really makes some stand out for me.....#3 and #4 beautiful!


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