Little House (Laura Ingall Wilder's birthplace)

 Pepin Wisconsin is a tiny town on the Mississippi River, downstream from where the St. Croix and Chippewa Rivers join the flow in Northwestern Wisconsin.


Maiden Rock, outside of town, is typical of the local topography...this area was, in ancient times, part of a seabed, and the deposits over time built layers of sandstone. Built up even more with the later push of the glaciers through the area and after aeons of weathering, these rugged bluffs tower over the Mississippi in this area.

Once you get to the top of the bluffs, the landscape changes to rolling hills. If you keep a sharp eye, you may see white tailed deer feeding in the fields.

Pepin has another claim to fame, though- it's the birthplace of Laura Inghalls Wilder, author of the Little House on the Prairie books that became a popular television series in the 1980's. 

The actual cabin is long gone, but this replica stands on the property that the Inghalls family owned at the time of her birth. 7 miles north of Pepin, and on top of the bluffs, a trip to town from here would have been a rare treat, and a major undertaking.


  1. A good read and nice photos. Brings me back to childhood. We all watched litle house on the prairi.

  2. Wow thats very interesting , interesting captures Very cool

  3. Loved those books and the TV series that followed. Interesting enough the area still looks almost the same as when she was around or at least your captures represent it well.


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