Repost of a Photoblog Post

 Another one of those experiments.....


by Camellia Staab JANUARY. 14, 2017 229 VIEWS

Dreary, grey, day and nothing around me comes close to being something that would want me to {dream} or be dreamy. Drove around for a while to see if I could get some inspiration, but to no avail. Ended up at the mall and the only thing that looked cheerful and somewhat dreamlike was the carousel. So I took a picture of it. On my way home I saw a deer by the side of the road eating away, totally oblivious to the passing cars. Sadly, there was nowhere to park to take a picture, must have been a dream ;).

I am not much for going back in a matter of fact I am NOT AT ALL one of those people who likes to relive the past. But I thought for the purpose of trying out things and learning, I would try my hand, again, at this copy/paste . 

Copy/paste works great as far as text is concerned. But when it comes to photos, Blogger likes to be in control. Hence, you must upload photos rather than copy/paste photos. Blogger gives it's own "address" for photos and having an old address/link to...for example photoblog backup file or a document on one's computer, causes Blogger to revolt.

In the case of this post what I did was copy all the text from the backup file I had and then used the snipping tool/snip&snatch (if you are a user of Windows/Microsoft) to capture (take a snapshot) of the photo that belonged to this post. Then I just uploaded the snapshot.

And so....this post is "reliving" the days when I had just started my adventure into the 365 days of photography.


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