Springtime Flooding and Tulips

This year's flooding of the Ottawa River is not nearly as disastrous as in 2017 and 2018 but is severe enough that facilities like the Rowing Club will remain closed for another couple of weeks.  I decided to take a walk across the Alexandra Bridge to check out levels on my walking paths which are closed.



The water taxi will not be running soon as its dock is under water on the Ottawa side of the river.

Likewise on the Gatineau side at the Museum of History the goose knows it has no competition for the waterway!

Even the canal is extra full so they are letting more water through the locks.

It was a beautiful day so folks were out everywhere.

And the Tulip Festival opened today so here is my contribution to annual frenzy of tulip photo imagery.



  1. Wow thats alot of water, the paths dont look like paths Fantastic captures thanks for sharing

  2. Some really cool perspective, especially #6. And then the colors variance in the last one is brilliant!

  3. Impressive colour on the tulips. They have all but finished over here

  4. Glad you made it. Some nice captures going on here


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