What Intrigues Me....

 I am in the processing mood.

Not all photos go through a severe process.

Some get a touch up here and there... 

.....and get posted.

Others become the model for a technique I saw and want to try and try....

.........and get posted.

Bottom line photography is not the squared off.....boxed in......follow the rules......art for me. But rather it's... I click here and to some extentent follow what needs to be followed for a respectable photo that follows the rules ..ie the three triangles...after that it is a free for all.

This photo had minimal edit except for some cropping.

As did this one.

But this one below had a ton of edit.....the mood struck me. It was a perspective that needed fine tuning (in my opinion).

As did the one below....somehow the same edit as the one above seemed the right thing to do for me.

Bottom line I am teeter tottering between being a photographer and/or an editor.......

.......for me both work......after all I am a Chamellion 😁


  1. As Ansel Adams said, you don't take a photograph, you make one. Editing is crucial, whether you do a little or a lot - the key is your touch. It's the reason to shoot in RAW so that some software engineers from Nikon don't do your editing for you. I like your touch, Queenie. Now, we have to talk about cropping...☺️

    1. Oh oh...that's the second time you've mentioned my cropping. I've fixed my hearing, looks like it's time to fix my eyesight 😀

  2. Photography has turned into that. Even in analog times there was tweaking in the dark room, special baths and more. I love your capability to edit and most of the time the results are good. We all follow our own path, would be boring that we all do the same. Keep bringing your creations.


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