After The Deluge

Our condo faces a pretty little field, which has been saved from rampant development by being a floodplain.  But one consequence of being a floodplain is that when we get a lot of rain, it can temporarily become a little pond.  The one shown here is a minor example.

This can be a good thing if you like to take pictures.  The trees have a different look, up to their ankles in water.

Geese and ducks appear out of nowhere and cruise around in the shallow water.

Water queues up at the culvert, waiting to be drained into the creek.

The silt floating on the water has some nice colors and textures if you look at it right.

Down at the creek, the water is foaming over the rocks.

On the bank of the new pond, the mockingbird-on-duty monitors the situation and keeps an eye out for edibles escaping the water.

Twenty-four hours later, the water and the ducks were gone, and the field went back to being a field.


  1. You certainly need to catch the moment then. Nice images Tom. Hi

  2. If this is recent, then you are getting all the rain that due to us. We have had one day of rain in the last month and a half...way past due.

    1. Nope, it’s from early January. We haven’t had that much rain since then. We could use it, too.

  3. I love these temporary scenes like these - changes the way you look at something so familiar and ordinary. You guys haven't gotten the monsoons of the last week? Our fields are well and truly flooded. Now, we're just headed to triple digit heat indices. Summer is here!

    1. We had lots of weather warnings but not much rain. Changing situations can be great opportunities, all right. The mockingbird and those ducks were right on top of the developments, for sure. Tonight it rained a bit and then the sun popped out at golden hour. Wish I’d had my camera.


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