Bridal Veil Falls Area

Bridal Veil Falls has been a popular and highly-visited site since it was first discovered in the 1800's.  It is easily accessible just off Hwy 189 with parking lots either adjacent to the Falls or a little further west at Bridal Veils Park.  (At the Time of these Captures the Park was closed) 

Water from the giant waterfall drops into a shallow pond before tumbling into Provo River.  Children and adults young at heart can be found frolicking in the water nearly every summer afternoon. 

The Native Legend

Many moons ago, a Native named Norita and a brave from a rival tribe, Grey Eagle, met and fell in love. They planned to meet near a stream high on a high mountainside and elope to a land far away from both their tribes. 

However, on that fateful night, Norita was confronted by braves from her own tribe instead of her Love. Fearing Grey Eagle had been killed, she leapt to her own death from the high ledges.

Mother Nature was touched by her wild beauty. She caught up Norita’s streaming tresses and from them made a Bridal Veil of falling water; from her flowing gown, She created an alter upon the face of the mountain. Then, Norita's spirit was sent out as a mist, causing a green carpet to spread over the mountainside.

The intruders fled while her saddened Love stood and gazed down at the strange yet beautiful transformation. His grief was more than he could bear, so out of compassion for his sorrow, Mother Nature molded his massive frames into the mountain and stretched his mighty shoulders high into the heavens like silent sentinels to guard over his loved one. His cries of anguish were softened into love calls to whisper forever.

Thus, the reason for the name Bridal Vail Falls.



  1. Somewhere worth a visit by the looks of it

    1. Nice spot, would have been better a better day, when more of the area was open but it was still a cool place Thanks Peter


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