Friday Indoors

 Was I doing 'shopping therapy' in the air-conditioned shopping mall because it was so hot outside? ...  I will let you be the judge 😏

I was attracted by those lights decoration like a bee to a flower and walked as quickly as I could ...

Then I thought it would be fun to do some photos with movements .. not quite successful though.

How about normal photos, then?

I hung out outside the cafes and restaurants as it was going to be lunch time which meant - crowds - people - yeah!! 


  1. Actually I think your were quite successful with the movement photos. For me just the right amount of movement and a lot of focused sharp background, which makes the photo very interesting. I can see why you were attracted to the lights. Hope you didn't spend too much money 😉

    1. Thanks, Camellia re the movement photos. It could honestly be better. The only thing that I spent in that mall was my lunch :)

  2. You found some great stuff. My favorite is #5, with the woman in the yellow top in the foreground. The movement worked really well.

  3. Thanks, Tom. Glad you like it. As mentioned above to Camellia, it could be better! Yes ... never satisfied, isn't it? ;)

  4. Wow its an active mall, dont see those to often anymore, nice captures, your a brave person for shooting in the mall


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