Golden Spike ....

The first transcontinental railroad is rich with people, places, and stories. While Golden Spike may be a small park it carries a much larger story that continues to this day

Numerous people and cultures came together to build the first transcontinental railroad, 

The Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR) was chartered in 1862 to build the western portion of the first transcontinental railroad. Progress during the first two years of construction was slow, partially due to the long supply lines used by the Central Pacific to acquire the material to build and to a critical shortage of labor

Golden Spike National Historic Park is located on the site of the town of Promontory, Utah.

May 10, 1869 - The first transcontinental railroad is completed.

May 10, 2019 - 23,500 visitors attend the 150th anniversary of the completion of the railroad. The event extended through May 11 and 12 with total visitation for all three days being 50,000 visitors



  1. That's an impressive looking loco. Someone puts a lot of work in to taking care of that.

    1. Yes very impressive, there are actually two of them, but taking to the engineer, they could not get the other one to start, Maybe next time


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