ICM - For Nancy



  1. What both the guys before me said and yet it pulls me in big time. Her presence ( am assuming it's a her) creates intrigue/wonderings...what is she doing? what is she holding? what is she seeing? Nicely done. I read your comment to Nancy so I undestand it was a new thing for you, and I feel it worked.

    1. Thanks! It wasn't really new, just that I haven't tried it without the NDs, which allow me more flexibility. !/4 sec. on a moving target is tough, 1 sec. would be better, much more ghostly (she had an an ankle muncher on a leash), so that produced some of the effect. I didn't see the guy in the distant background until I took the shot, but I couldn't re-compose because they were both moving. ICM is about shooting like crazy and sorting it out later.

  2. Ohh ... Very spooky ....yes, I was also trying something like that and it was difficult. Agree with you that "ICM is about shooting like crazy and sorting it out later". Have you tried stacking 2 or more ICM photos ?

    1. Yeah, but I've had better luck with adding a duplicate layer and trying transformation and different blending options. Trial and error, a lot of fun and frustration - as with all editing!.


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