Saturday Choice (2)

 Since it's Saturday and it's a choice day, I thought I would post a second photo.

This particular photo was taken from the inside of the State Capitol looking out the second story window. It was one of those shots that needed a lot of play in my opinion. It was also one of those shots that I could practice using some of the Photoshop tools.

Needless to say it's been edited quite a bit.

Which do you like better?


  1. First: a great composition. Second: the monochrome is better for me, but not because of that. The second looks, well, "Photoshop-ed". The colors, which I know you love more than a County Fair in the fall, seem a little too perfect, IMHO. But what do I know - I live in the land of the flat and featureless.😂

    1. I processed the photo in Lightroom and Photoshop and then exported out, in color. But once it landed on my desktop, the color looked BLAH to wasn't me. I wasn't sure why it had "appealed" to me ( using the word loosley here) in the first place. Hence I turned it into monochrome and it turned into a totally different photo, from my perspective. Thanks for you candid comment 😉

  2. They are hard to compare because they're like different genres of photography -- I'd expect them to have been taken by two different people (have you been tested recently for multiple personality disorder?). I like the first one better, just 'cause that's what I like. The second one does look Photoshopped, but would look great in an exhibition by an artist who was known for manipulating their images.

    1. 😂😂 I am definitely a chameleon and a loon, so I guess the two combined have resulted in the me having multiple personalities.See my response to John, it probably confimrs the multiple personality part.

  3. Another vote for the first for the same reasons mentioned by John and Tom

    1. I agree with you, number one is much better looking. I think, the more I look at number 2, the appeal for me was the sky treatment, more ominous looking than the monochrome version. But the rest of the coloring just yuk 😊


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