Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day June 24, 2023


Alone on a Country Road


Coupled with the other photo, I chose this because it shows another aspect of my week. I get the feelings of being alone quite often. and while I have no "real" reason, it's just a feeling - a sense - of traveling through my days alone. I have cycles working with and being with the best people, but when they aren't there, this place I'm in is very lonely. The mood is temporary, and I will climb out, but my photography is a way, sometimes, to put my moods outside myself.






Photo of the Day 175/365

Misty Morning at the Lake

This photo, taken a couple of years ago came up when I was looking through some older photos. I don't believe I have posted it before but if I did, it's a keeper anyway. My whole demeanor this week has been a bit moody and misty, so this photo really captures my being. The fog, the reflection, the gray - it just all fits. Coming back from vacation might have had something to do with it....
Quote of the day: "Your attitude is either the lock on, or the key to, the door of success." - Denis Waitley



  1. Definitely a keeper on both photos. Very nice capture in both instances.

  2. I love road images, especially as well framed as this one. I take a lot of them out here in rural west TN. where the roads feel like tunnels through time.


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