Sunday: Night Photography + Photo of the Day 6/4/2023


Band of Clouds Reflecting Light


Taken at our old house, this photo was very much an anomaly. I was out for an evening walk and caught a break inthe clouds letting the last bright red of the sunset coming through but it looked so much better in black and white.





 Photo of the Day 155/365

 Late day storm clouds over the barn



We were at my sister-in-law's home for an early Father's Day lunch with my father-in-law. We knew the storms were around and were slowly sinking to the south. We got home before the storms and I thought I had time for a walk. My youngest and I got perhaps a quarter mile when it started to rain. We heard the thunder all around us - I managed to get this shot of the coming storm before the hard rains came. We made it back getting only a little wet.

Quote of the day: "Joy is not in things, it is in us." - Charles Wagner


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