Thursday: Color + Photo-of-the-Day June 15, 2023


Tiny Colorful Cabins in Maine


I've seen these tiny cabins for years on our treks to Acadia. They just sit along the main road up to coast and I rarely see any cars at them. The colors must be redone every year. This year, I finally managed to stop and get a photo of them. They truly catch your eye as you drive past.





 Photo of the Day 166/365

Water Moving Under the Carriage Bridge


Yesterday, we went on a carriage ride, the longest one they have - 2 hours - seeing some of the bridges that J.D. Rockefeller had built on Mt. Desert Island. He had to have the bridges built because he had to roads built, too. The carriage ride guides provide history and at one of the bridges, you can dismount and hike about a bit to get photos. This is one of mine. It was a bit wet and I took a spill but no damage done and the photos and history were worth it. I shot this on my iPhone with Spectre.

Quote of the day: "Show kindness but never expect it. Show authenticity but never expect it. Only the wise are indifferent to things they can't control." - Maxime Lagace



  1. Cute little cabins they look kind of like trntal beach houses from the 60's

  2. Reminds me of Brighton Beach in Melbourne Australia. The coloful cabins which an arm and a leg.


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