Tuesday Nature

 I saw a group of friends in an open field one weekend and they were what I would say 'parrot parents' like 'fur parents'. 

Chatted a little with them and they told me that they had their parrots as pets for a long time. They work during the week and every weekend, they would go to various open field in the evening and let their parrots fly to the sky.

I asked what happens if the parrots decided not to fly back to their hands and they said that it has never happened. But I did noticed that there was a very long but strong thin wire (?) attached - some but not all of the parrots - to one of their legs. When the parrots fly back to their hands, there were lots of cuddles and kisses from both birds and owners. The parrots were well-loved and taken care of.

I had my small Sony camera and did a rushed job in photographing the parrots - with the owners' permission. I noticed that the parrots were slightly jumpy as they had seen and felt my alien presence so I left quite quickly.

It was a very interesting encounter! Oh, I have forgotten to add that the parrots were a little bit loud!


  1. First experience for me through your post. I knew people kept parrots as pets in their homes, but never knew there was a such a thing as "parrot parents" who would take their pets outside of their homes. I always assumed that it would be "dangerous" because of their need/want to fly away. I am aware that these gorgeous parrots are not cheap albeit beauiful. I am going to assume that the ones with the long wires were still being trained while the others were already experts. Still risky. Thanks for the informative share.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Camellia. It did not crossed my mind about the other parrots were in-training during their flight! Thanks for highlighting that. Yes, the 'parrots parents' came with their boxes, food and the stands for their parrots to stand on. All in all, it was very impressive.

  2. Like Camellia, I've never seen a pet parrot anywhere except on perch (well, except for the "sleeping" parrot in Monty Python). Thanks for sharing these. The birds and the shots are beautiful - I like the last one best.

    1. It was also my first time seeing owners letting their pet parrots fly in the open field. They have more than 1 pet parrot per couple! It was indeed a privilege meeting this group.

  3. Never seen parrots fly in the open - had a friend who let his fly in the house and, boy, was that a mess. The bird was not well trained...let your imagination soar. 😆

    1. Me neither except in the bird park. The grown up parrots looked heavy and their claws!


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