A tip on viewing the posts

 This may be old news to many of you, but I just noticed it.

For Windows users at least - hopefully there's something similar for Mac users - pressing F11 will make the top and bottom menus disappear so the screen image is bigger.  I've found that can make a pretty dramatic effect on the screen size of the Blogger images I'm viewing.

For example, here's how it worked with one of Camellia's images from today.  When I first click on the post, it looks like this:

 If I click on Camellia's top image, I see this:

That's definitely bigger than before, but If I remove all the menus with F11, it gets a lot bigger still:

I really like looking at images full-screen like this.   They almost always have more impact and show off subtle features that I miss when looking at the smaller size.

When in F11 full-screen mode, moving the cursor to the top of the page makes the upper menus reappear so you can control your browser.  If you press F11 again, the screen goes back to normal view.

I hope this helps someone!


  1. Great tip and thanks for sharing. I too like to see photos on the large side, not only on screen but also when printed out. It really does make a huge difference.


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