Crater Lake Oregon

Crater Lake National Park continues to inspire visitors from all around the world. 7,700 years ago, a violent eruption collapsed an ancient volcano forming what we know as of today; Crater Lake.

A hike down to the water reveals new wonders. The water is so blue, so deep, it’s no surprise it’s the deepest lake in America, and one of the deepest on earth. That’s why it’s one of the 7 Wonders of Oregon.

Surrounded by cliffs almost 2,000 feet high and boasting a picturesque island a violent volcanic past, Crater Lake is also home to hikes in old-growth forest and cross-country ski trips in the winter months.

Crater Lake is located in Southern Oregon, which is also home to the world-renowned Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the stunning Rogue River

CLIMATE: Most visitors come to Crater Lake National Park during the months of July through mid-September, when the weather is generally mild with little precipitation. Due to the elevation of the park



  1. Thanks for the trip to Crater Lake. I've heard of it forever but have never been there.

  2. Never been there, glad you shared the view with us.

  3. Thanks for the remembrance - been over 40 years since I was there.

  4. That ois some landscape. Thanks for sharing

  5. Reminds me of my trip in 2019. Great pictures of an impressive place.


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