Monday Close Up (Part Deux)


Got a little better light and angle for this one and backed off to 35mm with the +10 diopter. I misspoke about the first post - it was 55mm. Can't remember from one day to the next. Gettin' old ain't for sissies!


  1. Way cool! I love the colors and the details.

  2. Very nice! I really liked the detail in yesterday's shot, but this one looks so good with the out-of-focus "echo" and the multi-colored background.

    1. Thanks Tom - one of the advantages of my "new" D5200 is the tilt lcd screen that allows me to get this lower perspective (without bending!) to include the other seed head in the background and line it up with the colored flowers farther back. With that diopter, the bokeh is killer!


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