Report No 2. Should I be scared? 我應該感到害怕嗎?


In the evening, I met a Lynx Spider (Oxyopes striagatus) on my balcony and I took a photo of it. I was startled when I saw the image on the camera screen. Should I be scared?

傍晚,我在陽台遇見了一隻條紋貓蛛(Oxyopes striagatus),我幫牠拍了相片。我看了相機螢幕上的影像嚇了一跳。我應該感到害怕嗎?

1. The photo appears to show an angry beast in a field during a full moon. Is it a werewolf?



2. Then I took a few more photos of it from different angles. The full moon is gone, and it looks like a Chou role / buffoon (aka "little painted face") in a Beijing opera, a little bit exaggerated, a little funny, as usual.


3. It was still on my balcony the next morning. I took a profile shot of it while it was perched on a branch.


4. After it left, I took a ruler next to the branch and took another picture with a similar angle.


5. Here is a merged photo. It turns out that it is not a big monster. It is only 4mm in size. I think it is just a cute teen spider.


6. The window behind the spider directly reflected the light from the flash on the camera. The main front light illuminated the spider's eyes; the reflected back light outlined the spider's fine hairs. I'm not familiar with the formal terms in photography. Maybe someone would be willing to tell me how to describe this single flash, two-ray shot. Thanks!💓

相機上的閃光燈光線,剛好正正地從蜘蛛後方的窗戶反射回來。前方主燈照亮了蜘蛛的眼睛;反射背光勾勒出蜘蛛的細毛。我不熟悉攝影中的正式術語。 也許有人願意告訴我如何描述這種單次閃光、兩次射線的拍攝。 謝謝!


By Tsao 曹登富敬上


  1. Excelent close ups. I reall like the last photo of the "moon" (aka flash) behind him. It makes him look like a real monsters until one sees the measurements. 😊

  2. Really well done! Spiders are our friends - they eat all the "bad" bugs for us. I love 'em!

    1. No problem, I have lots of spider friends. I will share pictures with you.

  3. Great photos as usual, TF!! Silly me first reaction was - "Oh no, it can't be an Aedes mosquito .... ö"

    1. Thanks for your feedback. Don't worry, Lynx spiders are small and harmless to humans.


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