Saturday Choice - Cut Bank MO

A burger and French fries after hours of train spotting in Cut Bank, MO. What a great railway adventure onboard Amtrak’s Empire Builder!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jovi, thanks Tom. I spent the whole day train-spotting and shuttling between the bridge and MacDonald’s in Cut Bank.

  2. I love this! The expressions on their faces tells the whole story. Really nice capture. Very old fashion America, except for the cellphone on the table 😊

  3. Thanks a lot, Camellia. It was such a heart warming and moving scene. We had a nice conversation. Dad and son were quite surprised someone from Europe makes it to Cut Bank nowadays. Yes, this was very “Americana” for me as well (with the exception of orange liquid instead of Coke). The phone must have been brand new because dad placed it carefully on a napkin (rather than in the pocket next to keys)..


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