Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day July 1, 2023


Ruins of an Old Barn in Summer

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice

This photo was taken a few years ago on a drive in the country with my in-laws. When I saw it, I could not believe that someone had this and it was still standing. I seemed like something I'd see in Europe but it was here, in the USA.



Photo of the Day 182/365

Morning Mist over the Fields

This photo of the pre-dawn sky shows the wet field from the night before and warm morning mist. The sky had cleared, but there were still a few clouds left, which gave the photo more interest. The mist added mystery and all together made a nice photo.
Quote of the day: "Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don't give up." - Unknown


  1. Number one well worth stopping and capturing. It sure does look like something you find in Europe and not here in the States.

  2. Nice find, and nice capture, would look awesome blown up and printed


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