Saturday Choice

  Two versions of the same shot.....


  1. Like the nature feel of the two. Like the touch ofvthe non-nature bench and flower pot bottom right.

  2. Either way, this one is fun to look at. They have different "feels," of course. I just noticed how the sidewalk makes a cool zig-zag path leading to the human. To me, having that person there adds a lot to the picture.

  3. Both are excellent images, but I prefer, of course...are you heading to the dark(and light) side now? So much better contrast and detail in the second, IMHO.

  4. I like the sky more in the second one. Both have their strenghts

  5. Both appeal but, on balance, I think I go with colour

  6. Love the first one looks menacing, the second one looks not as menacing

  7. Thanks all, for your comments. With each of your comments I took another look. I hadn't even noticed the zig zag until Tom mentioned, and the sky does look prettier in the second photo. As to going to the dark side...not sure where I am going...probably going down below 😁😉


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