Thursday Expressions


For all the terror and noise of a severe thunderstorm, there is incredible beauty in this amazing natural display. For me, it's like a magnet, drawing me to watch and listen, sometimes standing on the porch while the wind thrashes the rain at my face. Strange to some, I know, but in many ways comforting to me - natural chiropractic, taking a few kinks out of the atmosphere. All better now.

30 sec. exposure @ f4.6, ISO100


  1. I have yet to capture lightening. Well done 😉

    1. Thanks - I'm usually so fascinated that by the time I set up, it's over. And, it almost always comes from the west where we have no windows. This is from an upstairs SE window and I had to tilt the tripod to catch the flashes!

  2. Nice! Getting the back side of the storm after it's passed sounds like a good strategy. Much easier than trying to shoot it while it's all coming down around you. Reminds me of the "cool guy" line when his lady friend is leaving: "I hate to see you go, but I love watching you leave."

  3. Wow you captured lightening well done I have yet been able to capture

  4. There is a bit going on in this pic

    1. It was definitely busy - earsplitenloudenboomer deluxe!


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