Wednesday Minimalism - flower and bug butt


150mm, 1/400, f/5, ISO 100

You probably guessed that the black spot on petal on the left is a bug butt:


  1. Nice catch. If I may ask...why did you choose f/5 instead of a larger number?

    1. Good question -- certainly no need to create bokeh! Frankly, I probably had it on P (i.e., basically Auto), and paid no attention to what the camera chose. I was using my 70-300 lens, so I likely had set a minimum shutter speed of 1/300 or faster.

    2. Thanks for the reply.....inquisitive minds want to know 😉

  2. Hey, it works! No need to zoom in as the composition is good as is. I always find things like that after getting it on the computer and wish I had focused on the bug!

  3. Wow you captured a bugs butt You embarrassed the bug


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