Friday Forms

 Yes. I am posting early because I've seen others post early and I like to be a copy cat .....just because.

This form below caught my eye and quite honestly the lens I had with me at the time could not capture the entire door unless I walked into the middle of the street and clicked while cars tried not to hit me. ( I honestly don't know why the door and it's surroundings captured my attention, but it did). So I decided to do what I nomally do in situations like this......keep my settings "as is" and take several photos, going from top to bottom, and then stitching them all together.

The result is what you see here....

The above is a compilation of four sperate photos stitched together. I can't sew for the life of me but I think I can stitch pretty well 🙃


  1. Sew what? I like it - makes me wonder what's behind that door. And why were you drinking this early in the afternoon? And, of course, the age old question "Who can that be now?".


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