I Hope This Doesn't Bug You...

 just a quick post of some little summer visitors





  1. Great catch! I've seen pictures of these moths but have never seen one live.

    1. Thanks! It's a fast mover, for sure. I'm so glad I planted this verbena this year. All the critters love it.

  2. Nice set. You seemed to have a lot more moths than I did this year. I love #7 because of the wing flutter. Bug season for me was very low this year, maybe has to do with what I planted ( and killed) 😉

    1. Thanks! There have been less every year I've been here and less bees, too. Too much Mosquito Joe, municipal spraying and loss of natural habitat. I get really excited to see just one at a time. I don't understand why folks don't use a mosquito zapper in their yard - we had one growing up in Arkansas and have one now (around the corner of the house, out of sight and sound) and never have a problem.


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