Naga Cafe is located at 170/6-7 Soi Suan Plu, South Sathorn Road, Bangkok, Thailand. 

and when entering the cafe, this was what greeted me ...

I was led to my seat and this was the lamp that I had posted many weeks ago for the daily challenge - close up.

My first impression of this cafe's decoration was that the owner has a very eclectic taste in decoration - different colours for the walls, furnitures, lamps, and paintings! It was kind of messy but a controlled mess and very kitsch and once again, very controlled kitsch. It was not horrible at all but it did took a little time for the eyes to adjust.

I did chat with the owner a little and he mentioned that he liked Italian baroque style furniture and he buys paintings that catches his heart and it does not matter if they are not a matching style.

The above photo has a sort of Tiffany style lamp and the photo on the display table is a photo of himself when he was a young lad.

The clever use of huge mirrors on the wall made the cafe looked spacious.
If you looked carefully on the right, you see the reflected owner's image. and also the various international money that customers gave him as decoration.
Regarding the wall's paintings, he cheerfully said that those are poor man's paintings as he was the artist!

There was also an outside dining area if you wished ...

This cafe may not pleased everybody because of the decoration or the television screening of football matches, etc ...  I had sincerely enjoyed myself there with the atmosphere, good food and drinks!

Disclaimer - The opinions expressed in this post belongs to me and this is not a paid advertisement.



  1. I am so glad you are posting your own views and that you were not paid to do so (although a payment would have been nice 😊). But seriously Nancy I am so tickled that you are part of this group. You give us a view (photographicaly as well as commentary) of things we would normally not see, being on this side of the world. In case you had not figured already, I thoroughly enjoyed this post.

    1. Thank you Camellia for your great encouragement as usual. You make me feel like a star!! We do have a good group here and I really appreciate being one of the members. I am not very sure about the payment thing as I don't think I am sufficiently "professional" in that domain.

  2. Wow Nancy, that's the most colorful post anyone has made in a long time! It's a lot of fun to look at. The shots are all great. My favorites were the first one and the one with the reflection of the owner.

    Also: Till now I hadn't noticed we had the STORY TIME label. Great idea, whoever created it.

    1. A little research suggested that Nancy herself created the STORY TIME label. ⭐

    2. Thank you Tom and it was easy as the cafe was already colourful in itself. The label "story time" came about because I do find difficulty in putting my imagination in words and was afraid of rambling on and on. Hence "story time" was born to inform readers to prepare themselves as it might be a long ride. :)

  3. What a fun place and a great story, too! If you're going to go crazy with the style, go full gonzo, as he did. It would make me want to come back just to try and see all the little details.

    1. Thanks John. I know what you meant. I ate there 3 times and it was only the 3rd time that I had managed to chat with the owner, walked around the cafe to take the photos as it was empty for a short moment.


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