Saturday Choice


   70-300mm @70mm, f4.5, 1/500, ISO110


  1. That's different - I like it. At first it seemed the background was too busy, but then I found it made the image interesting to look at. My eye bounces from the fountain to the white shape (blossom?) at the top of the stalk, and then diagonally toward top right through the small white highlight, then on to the window, and the back to the fountain. Supposedly a good piece of art makes us want to keep look at it, and this is one for me.

  2. Thank you Tom. I struggled with this composition for just those reasons, but decided to go with it because of that. Move me out of my comfort zone, and I'm glad I did. One of the lessons I learned from landscape photographer Mark Denny about square cropping - it does make you move your eye all around and through the frame.

  3. Interesting capture a single fountain all be itself

  4. A lot to see, a bit busy on the eye. I would have tried to get more seperation . But I like it

    1. I have one with more separation - I just wanted to try something less conventional in my rapidly declining years. Old fools prerogative.

  5. Seems to work well although, technically, it probably shouldn't!


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