Saturday Choice


Miserably hot, horribly humid with unbearable midday sun beating down...great day for IR! Lousy composition, taken from the shade of an umbrella in my back yard so I wouldn't die, shooting across the street. I had to get out to fill the hummingbird feeders, so...

ISO400, f8, 15sec, Hoya R72 (no channel swapping, just color correction and desaturation)


  1. It sure captures the feeling! I can't wait for Fall. It's cloudy and 9AM here, but the heat index is already at 94F with a dew point of 75F. If I was a true photographer I'd go out and take pictures, but nah.

    1. I know, same here - the heat seems to suck all the color out of everything. Today may be the worst of all, but we're supposed to get some relief (back to the 90s?) next week.

  2. We went through that horrible heat all last week. Today slightly cooler. We sure have forgotten how August used to be way back when. I like this IR something about trees being white that always gets my attention.

  3. Yeah, the green-turning-white is the coolest part of IR...looks other worldly. I do remember "way back", especially when we didn't have AC. But this is a little different - we've set records all through July and August. We probably won't get relief until October. A little rain will help, but that's wishful thinking.

  4. Lovely IR, John. This reminds me that I need to work on my IR photos in the repertoire!

    1. Thanks Nancy - I hope your weather will let you spend a little more time outdoors than ours will right now.


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