Saturday Market Eugene, Oregon

Every Saturday, rain or shine, between April and Thanksgiving, approximately 150 vendors [200-250 in 2022] display their handmade or home-grown products in a park in downtown Eugene, Oregon,

 The sellers arrive early in the morning and set up their own individual booths.

 Buyers start to come around 10 AM, and from then on throughout the day the Market is alive with activity: browsing, buying, selling, trading, exchanging information, meeting friends, eating lunch, listening to and playing music

 Children and older people alike enjoy the selling and visiting at the Market. There is a true mixture of ages, incomes and lifestyles meeting with ease and pleasure.

Saturday Market has always been a place of equality. We have been dedicated to providing a safe space for vendors and shoppers to convene every Saturday since our opening day in 1970. We stand in solidarity with the movement to end social injustice in our community and our country.

The Market has become a meeting place for the whole community; it is where one meets friends, takes visitors, passes petitions, in addition, of course, to buying birthday and Christmas presents, and so on, Non profit community groups are able to disseminate information with free booth space provided

Craft demonstrations are becoming more a part of weekly attractions as the market strives towards providing an ongoing educational experience as well.

Quality entertainment has become much more of a focal point for bringing local residents back time and again.



  1. I love the markets. Here they open up on the last week of May and go all the way to the third week of Ocotober. We don't have the number of vendors you do, but there's enough of them to keep one's interest. To me they are a close relative of the markets found in Europe hence that is why I think I love thme so. Great set of photos Tom, somehow the hippy hippy world of Oregan is prevelant in your photos 😉

    1. This market has always been unique to visit of course some of the booths have strayed a little and they are not really crafted by themselves but still all in all unique and always have tie dye haha thanks for the wonderful comment camellia

  2. That looks like a lot of fun! In the first picture there's a booth selling some kind of "dirt dyes." Do you know what that is?

  3. Love markets, always goof for tankinhoud photos. Nice set

    1. Thanks Peter this market is fun to walk around in can really afford to purchase anything haha

  4. What a fun and wonderful place!


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