Thursday Expression + Photo of the Day August 10, 2023

Youthful Freedom

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Thursday Expressions

This photo was taken years ago of an Amish girl playing in the yard of a good friend. This young lady now a grown woman with children of her own and I can only hope she sees this same sense of freedom in her own children. Youth is such a simpler time. 

Photo of the Day 222/365

Afternoon Clouds over the Trees and Field


I took this photo while out on a walk in my local area. The sun was low in the sky but hidden by clouds so I looked to the other side of the road and saw the colors reflecting on the clouds in a beautiful blue sky. I could not pass up these colors.

Quote of the day: "Little minds have little worries, big minds have no time for worries." - Ralph Waldo Emerson 




  1. These are both really good, and so different from each other.


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