Thursday Expression + Photo of the Day August 17, 2023


Capturing the Dawn

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Thursday Expression

This photo was taken some years ago on one of our last family trips to the Jersey Shore. This was one of my children trying to take a photo of the sunrise coming up over the Atlantic ocean. Those were different times and life has changed so much since then. These were happier and simpler times - but that's what life is all about - changes.



Photo of the Day 229/365

Afternoon Sunshine Through the Trees

This photo, taken on a long walk with my youngest child, was a happenstance shot. We were walking when I noticed the sunshine flowing in the grasses as we walked. I happened to look up as we went by and saw the sun had come out from behind a cloud and the light was coming through the trees. I liked the sunshine both from behind the tree and in the grasses at their base.

Quote of the day: "Smiling doesn't necessarily mean you're happy. Sometimes it just means you're strong." - Unknown





  1. Your child was taking a picture of the sunrise . . . I wonder who they inherited that trait from? 😀


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