Thursday Expression + Photo of the Day August 24, 2023


Looking into the Future

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Thursday Expressions

I took this photo years ago on our treks to Cape May, New Jersey. I really don't know who this couple is and never spoke to them.  I was down at the beach trying to catch a sunset and found them standing at a dock watching. I want to believe they were looking for what the future had to hold and I hope, by now, it was all they were looking for.



Photo of the Day 236/365

Sun Peeking Out Just Before Setting


I love the sun's rays just before the clouds hide it. By the time the clouds were ready to uncover the sun, the sun had set. The gold in the sky and the lit edges of the clouds make this, for me, a very dramatic sunset and a favorite this season. Hope you all have glorious sunsets in your areas.

Quote of the day: "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey." - Stephen Covey 

