Tuesday Art + Photo of the Day 8/1/2023


Purple Flowers on Black Glass

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday: Art

This photo was an exercise I did on still life photography. I bought a piece of black glass tile and put it on a black velvet cloth and used flash to light it. I thought it came out fairly well.





Photo of  the Day 213/365

Storm Clouds on the Horizon Reflecting the Sunset


While out for a drive, the sun had set already and the storms had passed. I noted the clouds on the opposite horizon and asked my wife to pull over a few times.  Most times, the trees or a home or (I hate them) power lines got in the way - but at this one location, over a park, the clouds showed their glory.

Quote of the Day: "Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong." - Mindful wellness



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