Holding the Moon
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Tuesday Art: This photo was taken some time ago with my I asked one of my children to hold their hand up like they were about to pinch something. I remember them thinking I was nuts until I explained what I was trying to get. It took, perhaps, 20 tries to get this right, but I got this one.
Photo of the Day 234/365
Beautiful Summer Day at the Farm
I was out for a very long walk with my youngest. The day was warm and clear but after a mile or so, the warm became hot and we stopped under a tree in front of a local farm. This scene, was just too nice not to take a photo. The serenity of the summer day, the blue sky and puffy clouds made the heat worthwhile.
Quote of the day: "Ultimately, we have just\ one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves." - Etty Hillesum
Wow you captured the moon well done