When the Crazies Need To Get Out.....

 I've been quiet for a bit and now trying to get back into the swing of things, but it seems that before I am back as "sane" Camellia (if there ever was such a person) I need to let the crazies out..

This is not a Photoshoped photo but rather a photo taken with an app called Expert Raw on my Samsung cellphone. The app takes two photos, one in RAW and one in JPG. I have yet to see the difference between the two (because in my mind jpg format means someone (something) in your "camera" made the necessary adjustments. 

Let's move on because I have no answers for why they are not different.

The cool thing about this app versus the app that came with my Samsung is that if one has the right amount of light and one has steady hands the quality of the photos are quite good. I am a snob when it comes to shooting photos.....my DSLR is THE KING, but when you forget to pack batteries and go out on a shoot and your battery dies....you rely on your cellphone.

 Hence relying I did.

In the above photo I set the app to take a photo, and in the settings I am given a choice of numbers of photos to be taken, almost like "focus stacking". I chose the number six. The app takes six consecutive photos and then stacks them as one.  All is grand if you are standing still, your hands are still and the object/subject you are shooting is still. But if there is a deviation in any of those instances.....the photo  turns into an ICM, as in this case.

 And quite honestly I am liking the deviations.

Here's another "ICM" type shot.

The above photo became a true ICM.........all because the photographer could not stand still.

And this one below...... everyone was standing still.

Some photos are perfect and others are only perfect to the one shooting them. 

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder 😊


  1. Sane...deviation...perfect...Camellia. What am I missing?😂("Welcome back, your dreams are your ticket out...")

  2. We all miss a turn in lifecat some point. Welcome back in a sane?? World. Interesting app

  3. Hi Camellia, Happy to see your pics again. This looks interesting but you right: a proper camera is king.

  4. Great shots, Camellia. The first one, especially, has to be viewed large to be fully appreciated. As for your sanity . . . we'll just watch your behavior for the next few days and then decide! 😁

  5. Love the first one, all the others are cool. Your crazy now?

  6. Fun to play and thank goodness we always have our phones as backup!


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