Monday Closeup + Photo of the Day September 18, 2023

Bee on a Berry

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Monday Close-up

I remember taking this photo some years ago on a walk. The bee was, I believe, getting sweet juice from the berry and sat there, ignoring me. The bee was doing his work and allowed me to get one photo of him. I only got one as he flew off to another berry (which I couldn't reach). Get 'em while you can.


Photo of the Day 261/365

Soft Sunset Glow over the Trees and Fields

I took this photo the other evening after all the glory of the sun setting. Sometimes, the afterglow of the sky is as colorful and exciting as the actual sunset. One should always look for the little views of light and color granted to us. While not as spectacular as some of my sunsets, I like the soft colors of this.


 Quote of the day: "People spend too much time thinking if they have been offended. Time they could use to think if what they heard is true." - Unknown



  1. Really nice focus on the bee and I like the sunset very much as well.


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