Rock Sculptures

 Following on my previous post, here are some bw images of the rock installation by artist John Felice Ceprano.  I had a very nice chat with the artist who told me the theme was "the Water Gatherers" as an hommage to the indigenous women who were the ones responsible for collecting the daily water. 

The sculptures must be enjoyed now because they will be demolished by wind, rain, snow and ice when winter comes.  Looking forward to next year's installation...

Two Canada geese swim slowly past the "Butterfly"...

Inspired by the artist, others close by have tried their hand at this artform...


  1. Could spend quite some time there taking photos. Like them all

  2. That's so interesting. I wish I could see it. I liked all the shots, especially the last one.

  3. The lovely photos mean that this inspiration will now last for ever,


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