Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day September 23, 2023


Morning Mist in the Valley

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice

This photo, taken a few days ago, shows the morning sunrise sky while the cool temperatures let the mist form in the valley. This is a perfect ending tot the summer season. The temps are cooling off, the skies have been glorious - now all we need is the autumn colors!  They're coming, I know.


Photo of the Day 266/365

Last Summer Sunset over the Hill

 I took this photo while out to a local pub for dinner. The sky had shown promise but we had a long day and wanted to out to eat. I had taken a few "grab shots" out of the car window and they were OK but I hoped for more. When we got there, we parked and I looked up and saw this sight so I grabbed my phone, ran up to the higher parking lot and got this. Worth it.


Quote of the day: "Small daily differences we can make, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." - Marian Wright Edelman



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