Sunday Nature

 These photos were shot in April at De Tulperij in Voorhout, Netherlands. It is a "smaller" version of Keukenhof  (2 different entities) but also as impressive and interesting.

It was a mandatory pre-booked guided tour and upon arrival at the reception, there was a tea room at the side for those who are hungry and or thirsty, antiques and all the tourist stuffs to entice you to buy while waiting for the guided tour to start.

 There were lots of flowers around. A very pretty sight indeed!

I ventured outside the reception as it was early for the guided tour and shot some outside scene. It was frightfully cold even in April! There was this couple who were very concentrated and meticulous in shooting the flowers in each and very parcel of the flower plot. I could learn a thing or two from them !

Ohh, I have seen something I've liked! Just when I pressed the shutter button, the bee/hornet?? buzzed by. I wanted to re-shoot the flower but it was so cold and windy and the thought that I had to go down on my knees again ... (Ahh, maybe I really need that platypot that Camellia had so kindly recommended).

The flowers here and there ...

It was time for the guided tour. I was very surprised to learn when the owner said: "We are NOT  a flower company despite seeing all the flowers. We ARE a bulb company and our bulbs are exported all over the world." 

He continued to explain the science and technicality of choosing the best bulbs, the mornings duties, what happens if they caught a bad bulb and even a hybrid flower and the analysis that goes with it - the whys, the prevention, is it worth to cultivate that hybrid flower, etc.

He was also so proud to mention that the 3rd generation has started working in the company and that instant, his son walked in and he said: "He is the 3rd generation!" I can imagined the son might have cringed a little in front of the group and at the same time, I understood the father's pride!! 

So what happens to the flowers that blooms in their acres of land? The flowers will be eliminated immediately to preserve the bulb. The flowers collected are then being sold/given?? to the local municipality for decoration, elderly homes, florists, etc. The flowers were never laid to waste. Later, we watched a video and had a Q&A session. 

By the way, when I was there, the tulips has yet to bloom so it was just a very very minor let-down. 

It was an interesting and eye-opener trip and perhaps, next time, I might visit Keukenhof despite the HUGE crowds - no promise though 😉


  1. Nice, in the Keukenhof I have been. This place not.

  2. wow flowers flowers everywhere so many fantastic captures

  3. Beautiful! I would have stayed until my nose was frozen!

    1. Thanks John. If it has been a crisp cold day, it would be fine but it was the wind that was really cold!


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