The last of the summer

 School has begun and everybody is starting work again after their holidays. That also means that the summer events in the city are running to the end.
These photos are from the last music performance where I took pictures ,even took a half day of to go to the event.

The main act of the evening was Alex Agnex with the Moonlovers, bringing their version of the doors.

Alex Agnew is one of the most famous stand up comedians here and is very succesfull even in the Netherlands. He is not shy from very strong language and opinions, but people love him for that.
Also he has got a voice like a storm on steriods.
He sang before in a band ,but that was more hardcore Rock music, so I was curious what he would make of the Doors.

I must say it took him 5 minutes to set the mood, and had a great interaction with the people.
 He surprised me with his version of the Doors, sometimes a bit off key but that he made up with his showmanship.

The band was also very good, how more the performance went on how more they got in the swing of things.
All by all a strong performance with a lot of heart.

This guy was the keyboard player and in my humble opinion he was the star of the evening. When he went into his solo s , he went for it.

While it was the last performance where I took photos this year, it is not the last one I went to.

Yesterday there was a classical concert in our local park, in front of the castle the location is top. 

For me nothing beats a classical orchestra playing life.


  1. Wow! Those are really fantastic photos, Peter. Did you shoot close up?

  2. Great photos, which is typical of your music pictures. I love your phrase “a voice like a storm on steroids”!

    1. Thanks Tom. Sadly can not take everywhere photos. Due to house photographers, they not like competition

  3. Fabulous images Peter, impressed with those

    1. Thanks, I am very pleased with them. Sadly the season is over.

  4. Fantastic captures wow they made you feel like you could hear them play

  5. Great event shots, nice to see the turnout for the classical concert.


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