Thursday Expressions + Photo of the Day September 14, 2023


Looking Forward

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Thursday Expressions

This photo was taken some eight years ago in New Orleans. I've only been in a street car in two places in my life. Once in San Francisco and the other in New Orleans. This one was taking us on a "tour" ride where they didn't really speak but were running to the end of the line and back. It was a nice way to see the town in an unhurried way. I believe they were looking for something on the tracks as were were riding which is why they were all looking to the front.



Photo of the Day 257/365

 Crack in the Sky at Sunset

This photo from just two days ago was, again, the result of looking out our window, seeing a bright spot in the sky, and taking a quick walk. I missed the actual sunset but the resulting sky over the farm fields was quite beautiful. The small thin line of golden fire is where I got the idea of a "crack in the sky" with the subtle red tinges to the clouds around the crack made it even more dramatic, to me. I hope you like it.


Quote of the day: "No one succeeds without effort. Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance." - Ramana Maharshi



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