Wednesday Minimalism + Photo of the Day September 27, 2023

Sunrise by the Sea

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Wednesday Minimalism

This is a photo from my archives. I have always loved this photo of the lone life guard chair on the beach at sunrise.  When I was there, I had the beach to myself.  The colors in the sky and the sun almost melt into the ocean. It was a very peaceful and quiet morning.



Photo of the Day 270/365

 Sunset Sky over the Cornfield

This photo was taken last week on one of my many sunset walks with my youngest. We were walking and discussing life and the issues of the day. I knew the sun had already gone down too far to see but the sky was blazing with streaks of clouds showing the sunset's color. I thought it was a cool shot.

Quote of the Day: "Truth is proper and beautiful in all times and in all places." - Frederick Douglass





  1. First Photo Capture so peaceful and relaxing beautiful mood capture

  2. Very nice, Joseph! Shots like the beach picture are especially good when there's a memory attached to them.


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