Wednesday Minimalism


55mm w/35mm ext., f6.3, 1/400, ISO100


  1. Not sure why my brain is not functioning this morning but it's not (and no sarcatic comments needed here!) but I am trying to figure have a 55mm lens attached to the camera and then you attached a 35mm to that? And/ or if this is an extension tube how is it being measured as 35mm?

    1. 18-55 w/35mm (in length) extension tube for close up work; same as I use with the 55-300

    2. So the extension tube goes between the camera and lens, and pushes the lens 35mm farther from the camera body. As for why that causes the lens to focus closer, I think magic is involved.

    3. I rather work with a prime on tubes. Your results are pretty good

    4. Now I get it!!! I believe what Peter said is accurate with me as with extension, hence the numerals were not jiving with my brain. Ohhhhh I so hear you making another comment under your breath.....just keep it under your breath 😉🙃

    5. I'll be kind. First, a terrible confession - I've been lying all this time and I want to come clean. The extension tube is NOT 35mm - it's 36mm. I'm so ashamed! Anyway. I applaud those of you who don't have a reconstructed back and can chase and entice insects to sit still for a 3" close up with a prime+ext. (I only own 50mm prime) on a 110° heat index day. I can't. So, I use zoom lenses+ext to get the shot from up to 18" away - all of my close up posts have been done this way, almost all with the 55-300.😁

    6. I know how hard it can be to focus with those extension tubes, so I'm really impressed that you could get to the fly, focus, and shoot before it moved. That's why I thought maybe you were camped out waiting for him to show up.

    7. Thanks Tom - I just take a minute to watch their behavior and try to predict movements and it helps that I have very small raised beds.

  2. Cool shot, John! Did you have the camera set up and wait for someone to land there?

    1. No, this was hand held, just wandering around my little patio garden; forgot to mention I used a speedlight off-camera

  3. It's that foreign language again 😁 Nice capture though.


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