Friday Forms + PHoto of the Day October 13, 2023

Barn Windows at Sunset

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Friday Forms

This photo was taken a few weeks ago, at the "end of summer" when I was on a walk, out trying to capture sunsets. Approaching a clearing, I noticed the sunlight streaming through the barn windows. These windows are on the second floor and this show was only possible because I was walking downhill towards the barn. I got very lucky in my timing - but took advantage of it.

Photo of the Day 286/365

Sunset on the Road

I shot this photo while on a road trip last weekend. We were driving up the mountain and I was afraid I would not be able to get any sunset shots.  We were needing to get to our destination with some speed so I took what I could from the car. Luckily we did stop further on and I did get some shots (if you follow this blog, you've seen them over the past few days) - but this one was a "from the car" shot.

Quote of the day: "Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity." - Michael J. Gelb




