Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day 10/28/2023

Boats Along the Lake Shore

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice

 I took this photo a couple of weeks ago before the autumn color set in too much. These boats are parked here by permit and are likely not there now. I just really liked this image with the crescent of boats along the shore. This, to me, is a real view of the relaxed attitude of summer.



 Photo of the Day 301/365

Subtle Sunset Colors on the River

We went away this weekend, thanks to my sister-in-law. My wife does many financial forms-type work for the family and has for years.  My sister-in-law gave us a thank you by sending us away to a bed-and-breakfast for the weekend.  On the way to the location, I spotted this view of the river, just after sunset. This view was opposite the sunset but totally worth it.

Quote of the Day: "Just because you haven't found your talent yet, doesn't mean you don't have one." - Kermit the Frog


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