Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day October 21, 2023

Morning Mist Behind the Trees

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice

This photo was taken a couple of days ago. This view shows the mist rising behind the pine trees. Although I used a similar view in my "Photo of the Day" post, I really liked this view, too, as it is framed by the foreground trees. The sky was clear, but cool, as our autumns are supposed to be. But the scene was peaceful and serene.




Photo of the Day 294/365

Wild Autumn Sunset Sky

This photo taken last evening was an adventure. I saw the sky and my wife, who was driving, was not having a great day and I didn't wan to be a bother - but after a few minutes, I said "yes".  We had to drive about 2-3 miles to get back to a good spot - but it was worth it.  I hope the vet's office didn't mind us using their parking lot to get this photo.


Quote of the day: "Great difficulties may be surmounted by patience and perseverance." - Abigail Adams



  1. The second shot deserved the extra effort. That’s a beautiful sky. Your wife seems to have good eye for good shots.

  2. Nice ones Joe. Oncopening the blog, I could at first justvsee part of the firstvphot, basically, the sky and branch. Really liked that view. Then, opened it up and......the whole scene!!!!!


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