Saturday Choice

 My zinnias are still in full bloom

46mm, f36, 2 sec., ISO100


  1. Love the post processing and the photos are great!

  2. Dang it man you are doing an awesome job in your post processing. I truly don't know which one to pick but if I were forced to...#1 and #3, the texture and color make the zinnia pop.

    1. Thank you, thank you. Part of the texture and color come from my pre-printed backgrounds I use for the shot, which I learned from Mike Moats. All but the last one was done with my homemade backgrounds/textures in Photoscape X, then imported to ON1. That last one was done in Smart Photo Editor.

  3. Nice! The processing is very cool, and those zinnias make a great subject.

    1. Thanks! I planted them ($2 packet from Lowe's) to fill in my sunflower container and they have gone crazy - they're almost 4' tall!

  4. Wow, so much to take in when I see your pics. Must get into this post editing!


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